Mittwoch, 23. Juni 2021

Blütenzauber 1 / Flower Power 1

Hallo Holly. Du siehst unternehmungslustig aus!
Hello Holly. You look adventurous!

Ich möchte mir diesen Holunder näher anschauen. Hebst du mich hoch, Mami?
I want to have a closer look at this big elder tree. Will you lift me, Mummy?

Nicht soo hoch, Mami. Mamiii!!! 
Not that high, Mummy. Mummy!!!

Das ist besser, danke. Jetzt seh ich wie eine Holunderprinzessin aus!
That's better, thanks. Now I look like an elder princess!

6 Kommentare:

  1. Elder flowers! Hmmm I see yummy syrup ahead...

  2. Holly picked some for her auntie...

  3. An elder tree! Do you make elderberry wine from the fruit?
    Holly looked very fine up amoungst the pretty flowers

  4. Once I made some liqueur from the flowers. I don't like the taste of the berries... But those flowers give a wonderful jelly, Holly will explain how, soon!

  5. She does indeed look like a princess.

  6. Holunderprinzessin mit Holunderblütenkrönchen, niedlich


Merry Christmas / Frohe Weihnachten

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year