Donnerstag, 4. März 2021

Ruben klettert / Ruben mounts

Ruben hat einen großen Holzstapel gefunden.
Ruben has found a huge pile of wood.
Das verlockt ihn...
This allures him...
...zu versuchen... try...
....die Spitze zu erklimmen. mount the peak.
Geschafft! Applaus!
Done it! Glamour!!!
Huuuch! Ich rutsche!
Aaaargh! Can't hold on!
Mist! Sport ist Mord...

Ouch! Better no sports...

3 Kommentare:

  1. Oops ! I hope he didn't hurt himself? I suppose he is wanting to catch up on all the things he's missed by being stuck in a box for sooo many years !

  2. Oooh gerade noch mal gut gegangen!
    Ooooh this could have gone dangerously wrong!

  3. na, hoffentlich ga bes keine Beulen cooler Pulli!


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