Dienstag, 8. März 2022

Freundschaft schließen / Make Friends

Was ist denn das? Peter hat sich in unsere Picknicktasche geschlichen. Und jetzt? Wo ist er jetzt gelandet?
What's that? Peter has sneaked inside our picnic hamper. And now? Where is he now?
Da sind merkwürdige Bilder mit himmlischen Hunden.
There are odd pictures with heavenly dogs.
Da brennen Kerzen.
There are candles burning.

Sieht irgendwie nach Beerdigung aus. Ach ja, unser Kater ist ja vor ein paar Wochen gestorben. Aber dort...
Looks like some funeral thing. Oh yes, our tomcat died weeks before. But there...

...sitzt ein Hund. Mit fremden Hunden muß man vorsichtig sein. Erstmal begrüßen...
... sits a dog. Be careful with dogs you don't know. First bid welcome...

... dann Freundschaft schließen. Mami, können wir ihn mit nach Hause nehmen?
... then make friends. Mummy, can we take him home?

3 Kommentare:

  1. So sorry that your cat passed away.
    I don't think Mummy wants to swap her cat for a dog Peter ! Mind you that one does look very well behaved and probably would not need to be walked every day, so maybe .... ;)

  2. I fear the animal crematory people didn't want to part with their dog, and I believe there are some dogs at Roropo already. But it's a very stylish place!

    1. You won't believe it: those dogs are cascets!!! So I did not allow Gregor to take one with us. I simply found the idea... strange.


Merry Christmas / Frohe Weihnachten

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year