Mittwoch, 14. Juni 2023

Rick reist III / Rick On Tour III

"He!" sagt Rick. "Du läufst mir ja immer noch nach. Du mußt endlich heimgehen. Deine Leute vermissen dich bestimmt!"
"Hey!" says Rick. "You are still following me. You must go home. Your people will miss you!"

"Du hast kein Zuhause? Niemand vermißt dich? Deine Mama ist weg?"
"You've got no home? Nobody will miss you? Your mum is gone?"

"Oh oh... was wird bloß Mama dazu sagen?"
"Oh-oh... Not sure what Mum will say thereto..."

1 Kommentar:

  1. Looks like he's got a follower/ fan which all rock stars need ;) But what a cute little follower to have, I'm sure mum will let him stay...


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