Montag, 22. März 2021

Drei Pferde im Schnee / Snowy Horses

Huch was ist das? April April kann machen was er will - doch auch der März wagt manchen Scherz! Die Koppel ist verschneit.
Oops what's that? April showers bring may flowers - but what's with snow in March? The paddock is snowy.
Die Pferde stört das nicht. Bianca begrüßt Fabiola, und Hans kommt gucken.
The horses don't care. Bianca greets Fabiola and Hans comes looking.
Dann jagen sie gemeinsam los.
Then they all start a little run together.
Sie genießen den Schnee und die Sonne voller Lebensfreude.
They enjoy the snow and the sun with high spirits.
Fabiola überholt Bianca...
Fabiola overtakes Bianca...
... und hapst spielerisch nach Hans.
... and gives Hans a playful little bite.
Hans wiehert und rennt wieder los.
Hans whinnies and starts the next run.
Aber dann fällt er zurück und Bianca überholt Fabiola. Aber warum? Ist Hans schon müde? Und wer ist eigentlich Fabiola? Haben wir sie schon einmal gesehen?
But then he falls back, and Bianca overtakes Fabiola. But why? Is Hans already tired? And who is Fabiola? Have we seen her ever before?

Hans legt wieder los. Stuten jagen ist das schönste Spiel, findet er. So viel Spaß - und die Stuten mögen es anscheinend auch.
Und Fabiola... Wir werden sehen, wer sie ist und wo sie herkommt.
Hans speeds up again. Chasing mares is the best game he knows! So much fun - and the mares seem to like it, too.
And Fabiola... We shall see who she is and where she comes from.

3 Kommentare:

  1. Snow! Just when we thought Spring was taking over!
    But at least the horses don’t mind and are enjoying a run about.
    And a new horse joins the family... how many horses live at Roropo ?
    It seems a large herd

    1. Acutally, we have eleven horses living at RoRoPo farm, one more in our vet wing (in a really desolate state) and one on it's way to us. This then will make about 13 horses a child can ride on.
      Then there are two horses we don't know if they will ever be able to join the RoRoPo herd because they are very difficult to restore/heal. We are afraid they will stay as decoration only...
      But NeverUschi took over, when every horse they are waiting for will arrive, they will have a herd of 14 ride-able horses.

  2. Schnee? Brrr - weg damit! Fabiola ist sehr fotogen.
    Snow? Take it away! Fabiola is very photogenic.


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