Dienstag, 20. April 2021

Hinter Herrchens Rücken / Behind Masters Back

Rick hat unser Springpferd Foxi bestiegen und Fritz auf einen Ausritt mitgenommen.
Rick has mounted our jumper Foxi and taken Fritz out for a ride.
Dieser Pfad führt zum Koppe-See, einem wildromantischen Plätzchen.
This path leads to Lake Koppe, a wild and romantic place.
Sie haben das Seeufer erreicht. Ob Fische drin sind? Fritz würde das gefallen.
They have reached the bank of the lake. Will there be fish? Fritz would like that!
Oh, ein streunender Hund? Auch ein grauer Pudel, aber ohne Halsband. Wem mag er gehören?
O, a stray dog? Also a grey poodle but without a collar. To whom may he belong?

Er läuft zu dem Grüppchen am See.
He starts running towards the group at the lake.

Während Rick nachdenklich auf den See hinausschaut, erreicht der Streuner Fritz.
While Rick looks out at the lake, thinking, the stray reachs Fritz.

Während Rick gedankenverloren nichts bemerkt, beginnen die Hunde zu spielen.
With Rick lost in thought, both dogs start playing.

Rick? Woran denkst du grad? Du solltest mal nach deinem Hund sehen...
Rick? What are you thinking about? You should have a look at your dog...

... denn der haut grad ab mit seinem neuen Freund. Rick? Rick!!!
... cause he is running away with his new friend. Rick? Rick!!!

3 Kommentare:

  1. Good thing the dogs were playing peacefully and didn't start a fight. Turning abruptly, Rick could have fallen in and get all wet!

  2. Getting all wet sounds terrible. He really should try to avoid that.

  3. Oh dear ! The stray dog is taking Fritz away to play while Rick daydreams of what we wonder?
    I do hope that Fritz knows his way home !


Merry Christmas / Frohe Weihnachten

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year