Montag, 29. November 2021

Es war einmal - Teil 1 / Once Upon A Time - Part 1

Schau, Clara, der Herbst kommt!
Hey Clara, one can see fall is coming!
Stimmt, Holly. Die Bäume sind noch grün und die Sonne scheint warm, aber erste Blätter färben sich und fallen herab.
Indeed, Holly. The trees are still green and the sun still is warm, but first leaves are coloured and beginn to fall.

Nachdem wir Mitte Oktober haben, ist das normal...
Since we are in the middle of october, this is normal...

Sieh nur, was für eine tolle Aussicht!
Look what a wonderful view!

Ich seh was Schönes! Wird auch Bianca und Lefty freuen!
I see something special! Bianca and Lefty will like it, too!

Ich seh es auch... was für ein schönes Plätzchen für eine Pause! Los, hin!
I see it, too... what a wonderful place to take a rest! Come on!

Herrlich! Bleibt nur eine Frage: wann wird Mami Zeit finden, diese Bilder zu posten?
- Seufz! -
Wonderful! Only one question left: When will Mummy find the time to post this photos?
- Sigh! - 

3 Kommentare:

  1. It's looks nice and warm back in October. Now it's nearly December and the weather is cold.
    Mummy had much to deal with and you should be thankful she's even remembered them !

  2. Now Mummy found the time, and we all can enjoy memories of warmer days... this made MY day, as it was gloomy and cold here today!

  3. Some really lovely pictures to help us through the cold winter months.


Merry Christmas / Frohe Weihnachten

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year